Mediator.js 0.6.0

Yeah, so, I skipped a version number again. Version 0.5.0 is a pretty hefty update, followed by 0.5.1 and 0.6.0 (which are quite a bit smaller.) Here's what's new:


  • Subscribers are now a real object instead of an anonymous collection of data
  • Contain a guid for an id for access later
  • Update function that allows you to modify its function, options, or context after adding it
  • You can change subscriber's priority (as an index with the other subscribers within your channel), so if you want one to fire first, you can do so either as an option on Subscribe or later using Mediator.SetPriority(id/fn, <channelname>). Channelname makes this run significantly faster, but is not required.


  • Channel is returned at the end of the data arguments for callbacks. Within a callback function, you can run channel.StopPropagation() to stop further subscribers from being notified.

There's probably a significant amount of cleanup left to do on it, but I think it's fairly fully-featured, and it's unit tested pretty solidly.

The latest is up on Github with an updated readme file that explains how to use everything.

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